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Note: For revisions after v2.08.11, see the latest Revisions History instead.
NEW FEATURE: In blended search results, the "Show more results in ..." links now link back to amazon.pl rather than link to a search at www.amazon.com. Thus the user is kept on your website longer. Example.
NEW FEATURE: Script parameter "page" has been added to show keyword-based search results and browse/feature page results beyond the first page of results. Thus you are no longer limited to showing just the first page of results. Note: The "page" script parameter only works when type=browse, or type=feature, or type=search. The the default value of "page" is 1 so you don't have to include it for the first page. Example 1: keyword-"economy" books: page 1, page 2, page 3. Example 2: browse page #2418: page 1, page 2, page 3.
NEW FEATURE: Script parameter "log" and configuration parameter "log" has been added to enable logging. Log file is "ae-log.txt". Logging stops if log file reaches 1MB in size; delete the file to continue logging. Use log=1 to activate logging. To log only keyword search forms, add a hidden variable to your form instead:
NEW FEATURE: New substitution variable "{urlkeyword}" and <!--urlkeyword-->" has been added. This variable equals the value of the "keyword" script parameter with all spaces replaced with "+". This allows the keyword value to be used as part of a URL. For example, to link to a search at Google.com using the keywords, use the following URL in the link:
FIX: Amazon.com changed the way their www.amazon.com website formats results of keyword searches for various modes (i.e.: garden, kitchen, tools, wireless-phones). amazon.pl has been revised so that keyword searches of these modes work again. To disable this revision so that the user sees related search results at www.amazon.com, set the searchRelated configuration variable to 1 (N.B.: the user will be redirected to the search results at www.amazon.com).
FIX: Some browse mode pages would cause amazon.pl to run for an extended period of time and no results would appear. This has been fixed.
FIX: With the grid script parameter and grid configuration variable, the price option (p:priceColor), the price color now works correctly. To display prices as red in the grid, use: "p:FF0000" or "p:red". Example.
FIX: With the grid script parameter and grid configuration variable, the header option (h:backgroundColor:foregroundColor), the foreground color now works correctly.
FIX: Blended search results have been revised to once again not show zShops and Auctions results. Also, Movie Showtimes are no longer shown.
FIX: When the newWindow configuration parameter is selected, only links with URL's that start with "http" are modified to include a target=_blank attribute. Relative links (e.g.: "../index.html") are no longer modified.
IMPROVEMENT: "Click here for more..." link displayed in grid (option m) now links back to amazon.pl if there are more items to display. N.B.: Do not specify a row option (option r:NUMBER) otherwise the link will link to a search at www.amazon.com instead.
IMPROVEMENT: "Refurbished from" links (Amazon.com Marketplace) now include Amazon.com associate ID. Example.
IMPROVEMENT: Links back to amazon.pl are now relative URL's and thus shorter, that is, they no longer contain the host name. Example:
IMPROVEMENT: An amazon.ini configuration file is now included with the amazon.pl script. We recommend that you edit amazon.ini and put your configuration settings into it rather than editing the amazon.pl script file. By using an amazon.ini configuration file, you can simply replace the amazon.pl script file whenever a new version of the script become available and you will not have to retype your configuration settings.
IMPROVEMENT: The default value of the browseBestGrid configuration variable is now "xb" (it was previously ""). This causes best sellers to be automatically shown when displaying browse index pages that support best sellers. If you want to turn of this automatic display, set browseBestGrid="". If you want to use your own grid style, set browseBestGrid to the name of the grid style, e.g.: browseBestGrid=xtop10 (configuration variable xgridtop10). Example (N.B.: "Top Sellers" on example page generated because of browseBestGrid). The xb grid style (configuration variable xgridb) is defined as:
IMPROVEMENT: Since Amazon.com split Kitchen and Housewares into two separate browse pages, type=browse&mode=housewares has been added (browse page 510080). This is now separate from type=browse&mode=kitchen (browse page 284507).
IMPROVEMENT: More browse pages now support display of top sellers using the browseBestGridconfiguration variable.
IMPROVEMENT: On some browse pages, some product links provided by www.amazon.com were unnecessarily long. amazon.pl now converts them to the standard ASIN URL format:
IMPROVEMENT: When browse page 468646 (Digital Music Downloads) is accessed, amazon.pl now redirects the user to that browse page at www.amazon.com.
Version 2.01.19 (released 2002/01/19)
CRITICAL: Certain browse pages (e.g.: Yoga books) work again. Fix is necessary due to a change by Amazon.com in the formatting of their webpages that caused malformed results to show up via amazon.pl.
NEW FEATURE: New configuration variable "browseBestGrid" has been added. Top sellers can now automatically be shown at the top of browse index pages (in a grid format), such as: Books (the "Top Sellers" is automatically inserted by amazon.pl). The easiest way to turn this feature on is to add "browseBestGrid=xb" to your amazon.ini configruation file. See "xgridb" below. Note that the top sellers will show up only if the browse index has a "Click here for top sellers in ..." link at the bottom and that not all browse index pages have such a link (this depends upon amazon.com). To turn this feature on, set the "browseBestGrid" configuration variable to the value you want to use as the "grid" script parameter. For example, to show the top sellers in a 3-column by 2-row grid with prices, set the variable as "browseBestGrid=c:3,r:2,p". You can use user-defined "grid styles" by setting configuration variables "browseBestGrid=xNAME" and "xgridNAME=c:3,r:2,p" (or whatever grid value you want to use).
NEW FEATURE: New script parameter "nocredit" has been added. If specified then the "Powered by..." credit line is not included in the results.
IMPROVEMENT: The default value of the "cacheSize" variable has been changed from "100mb" to "10mb". This change is to accommodate the fact that most users do not have 100MB of disk space available to be used as a cache. This value can still be overridden by setting it in your amazon.ini configuration file.
IMPROVEMENT: Several "grid styles", including some required when using amazon.pl with our other scripts, are now included directly as part of amazon.pl. These grid styles are:
These can be overridden by setting them in your amazon.ini configuration file.
Of particular note is the xgridb value which is useful in conjuction with the "browseBestGrid" configuration variable. Set "browseBestGrid=xb" to include top sellers on browse index pages as a 3-column by 2-row grid, e.g.: Books. Grid style "xNAME" corresonds to user-defined configuration variable "xgridNAME".
Version 1.12.16 (released 2001/12/16)
NEW FEATURE: Keyword searches of magazines has been added. Use type=search&mode=magazines&keyword=KEYWORDS to do a keyword search of magazines. E.g.: Fitness magazines.
FIX: In keyword search results shown in a grid, the "Click here for more..." link now works again.
FIX: In keyword search results shown in a grid, the subtitle now includes the full text of the subtitle rather than ending at the first "(". This fix is necessary due to a change by Amazon.com in the formatting of their search results.
FIX: amazon.pl links shown in browse index pages now use the HTTP_HOST server variable rather than the SERVER_NAME server variable. Some servers have the SERVER_NAME server variable set incorrectly (this is part of the server's configuration; it is not part of amazon.pl).
IMPROVEMENT: More browse pages are now supported. Examples: #659200: DeskJet 720C & 722C inkjet cartridges, and #659836: Flatbed scanners.
COSMETIC: When browsing an index page, the "Click here for top sellers in..." is now preceded by ">>" for emphasis. E.g.: Calendars, and Books.
COSMETIC: If grid mode is select for magazine keyword search results and magazine browse results, the words "[MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION]" are replaced with "[MAGAZINE]".
Version 1.12.06 (released 2001/12/06)
"Browse index" pages can now be displayed. A "browse index" page is a page at amazon.com that either has a list down the left side that says "Browse..." (e.g.: amazon.com : Books home page) or that has a large box titled "Browse..." with a bulleted list of links (e.g.: amazon.com : Nonfiction Books page).
NEW FEATURE:Browse index pages are now supported. To show a browse index page, use: "type=browse&mode=NUMBER" in your amazon.pl URL. To determine the browse number NUMBER, go to the amazon.com page that you want to display. Look in the address of that webpage -- it should look something like "
NEW FEATURE: If "type=browse", then the mode script parameter can now be a store name (i.e.: books, computer, dvd, electronics, garden, kitchen, magazine, music, photo, software, tools, toys, video, video-games). The store name is automatically converted to the browse page # for that store at amazon.com. For example, to show the Books home page, use "type=browse&mode=books" in your amazon.pl URL. E.g.: Books.
Magazine subscription pages can now be displayed.
NEW FEATURE: Browse-pages that contain magazine subscriptions can now be displayed. To do this, use "type=bestsellers&mode=NUMBER" where NUMBER is the browse number of the amazon.com page that you want to display. E.g.: Literary Magazines, or Magazines home page (type=browse&mode=magazine).
NEW FEATURE: Bestselling magazines can now be displayed. To do this, use "type=bestsellers&mode=magazine". E.g.: Bestselling magazines.
New configuration parameters related to browse index pages have been added:
NEW FEATURE:New configuration variable "browseIndexFormat" has been added. 1=format browse index as a bullet list; 2=format as a plain list.
NEW FEATURE: New configuration variable "browseIndexMore" has been added. 1=include "Browse more..." links; 0=don't include them.
NEW FEATURE: New configuration variable "browseIndexWidth" has been added. It specifies the number of columns to use to display the browse index. Valid values are: 1, 2, and 3.
NEW FEATURE: New configuration variable "browseLetterList" : 1=force browse of a letter page to a list (override grid); 0=don't force. A letter page is a page that has a title in the form "( letter )" -- this usually indicates a page that lists products from authors whose name starts with that letter. This variable is useful if you are using the grid configuration parameter and want letter pages to show up as a list instead.
New configuration parameters have been added:
NEW FEATURE: New configuration variable "cacheSize" has been added that limits the size of the cache. Previously, the size of the cache had no byte limit. Default is "100mb" (i.e.: 100 megabytes). The units are specified as the suffix: none or b=byte, kb=KiloByte, mb=MegaByte, gb=GigaByte.
COSMETIC: "Portions © amazon.com" is now added to the end of list pages. A new configuration variable called "copyrightAmazon" has been added so you can turn this copyright notice off if you prefer. 1=Add copyright notice "Portions (c)amazon.com" (default); 0=don't add copyright notice.
NEW FEATURE: New configuration variable "credit" has been added to turn off the "Powered by amazon.pl script" link. 1=show link, 0=don't. Note: If you have a ClickBank ID you will receive commission if someone buys this script after clicking on the "Powered by..." link, so we recommend that you leave this link showing.
NEW FEATURE: New configuration variable "grid" can now be used to set the default value of the grid script parameter. For example, if you use "grid=xNAME" in the amazon.pl URL, then the grid variable is set to whatever is in the configuration variable called "xgridNAME". Thus all you have to do is change the "xgridNAME" configuration variable and all your pages automatically use the new value. This feature is similar in concept to styles in word processing programs. This value is added to the beginning of whatever you specify as part of the grid script parameter. For example, if the grid configuration variable is "c:3" and the grid script parameter is "r:4", then the script uses the combined value "c:3,r:4". If the same option appears more than once, then the last occurrence is used (e.g.: "c:1,c:2" causes "c:2" to be used) thus allowing you to override an option specified in the grid configuration variable with an option specified in the grid script parameter.
NEW FEATURE: New configuration variable "navbar" has been added. If the amazon.com page that the results are based on contains a navigation bar (e.g.: navigation bars are typically in the format "Category > Subcategory > Subcategory > Text"), then this is added to the top of the results and its links are adjusted to use amazon.pl. 1=include navbar (if available), 0=don't include navbar.
NEW FEATURE: New configuration variable "refNoSim" has been added. Use this variable to indicate whether you want "ref=nosim" added to links. 1=add "ref=nosim" to links; 0=don't add "ref=nosim" to links. With "ref=nosim", links jump directly to product pages; without "ref=nosim", links jump to a page at amazon.com that displays similar products.
NEW FEATURE: A new configuration parameter called "showPrice" has been added that lets you turn off the display of prices in list format and grid format. 1=show prices (default); 0=don't show prices. Note: The showPrice configuration variable has precedence over the p option of the grid script parameter. Note: If showPrice is 1, then the maximum value of the cacheStaleHours configuration variable is automatically 72 hours (3 days) to prevent prices becoming outdated.
The grid script parameter has new options and new features
NEW FEATURE: "br" option (short for "break" and <BR>) has been added to the grid script parameter. It that causes a <BR> to be added before the grid. Useful in combination with the "e" (empty) grid option.
NEW FEATURE: "e" option (short for "empty") has been added to the grid script parameter. It causes absolute nothing to be shown if there are no results. This is useful if you have several <SCRIPT> tags in a row (e.g.: searching the same keyword in several product categories, such as VHS, DVD, and music) and want them to "collapse" together if any or all don't have anything to show. Example.
NEW FEATURE: "h" option (short for "header") has been added to the grid script parameter. It causes a header row to be added to the top of the grid. The default is "{mode}" (black text on a gray background) -- the text, the text color and the background color be overridden. Example.
NEW FEATURE: "if" option (short for "images first") has been added to the grid script parameter. It reorganizes items in the grid so that products with images go first. The default is to not reorganize since some top selling items at amazon.com do not have images and you may want to keep those products at the top of the grid ahead of lower-selling products that do have images. Turning this option on may make your grid look more aesthetically pleasing.
NEW FEATURE/COSMETIC: "it:TEXT" option (short for "no image" text) has been added to the grid script parameter. In a grid, if a product has no image then gray colored text "(no image)" is now shown. Previously, a black colored period (".") was used as the "no image" indicator. The default of "(no image)" can be overridden by using the new grid option "it:TEXT".
NEW FEATURE: "xNAME" option (short for user-defined value) has been added to the grid script parameter. The value of the configuration variable "xgridNAME" is used wherever option "xNAME" appears. This feature is similar in concept to styles in word processing programs. For example, set a configuration variable "xgrid1=c:2,r:4" (i.e.: 2-column x 4-row grid) then in your script URL's use "grid=x1". If you subsequently change the value of configuration variable xgrid1, the change would show up everywhere where you used "grid=x1" in the URL. You can use xNAME anywhere in the "grid=" value and you can use more than one xNAME, e.g.: "grid=xSize,xHeader,p" (this example uses configuration variables xgridSize and xgridHeader). You can use xNAME in the grid configuration parameter.
Page Templates have several new features:
NEW FEATURE: {amazonID} substitution variable has been added. In your template files, use "{amazonID}" to display your amazon.com associate ID. You can also use this in links.
NEW FEATURE: {asofDate} substitution variable has been added. In your template files, use "{asofDate}" to display the date of the results. If the results are coming from the cache, then this will be the date that the results were originally fetched from amazon.com and stored in the cache. See also: "{date}" which displays the current date.
NEW FEATURE: {metaKeywords} substitution variable has been added. In your template files, use "{metaKeywords}" to get a comma-separated list of words based on the words in the navigation bar of the amazon.com page that the results are based on. If there is no navigation bar, then the value is based on the title of the amazon.com page.
NEW FEATURE: {navbar}, {navbarTitle} and {navbarTitleFull} substitution variables have been added. In your template files, use "{navbar}" to display the navigation bar ("navbar" for short) that appears on the amazon.com page that the results are based on. {navbarTitle} and {navbarTitleFull} are similar to {navbar} -- if there is a navigation bar on the amazon.com page, then these display the same thing as {navbar}; otherwise, these display the same thing as {title} and {titleFull}, respectively. As an example, the template at buy-here-and-save.com uses {navbarTitleFull} in the table at the top to display the navigation bar (e.g.: Harry Potter page)
NEW FEATURE: {title} and {titleFull} substitution variables have been added. In your template files, use "{titleFull}" to display the page title that appears on the amazon.com page that the results are based on (e.g.: titles are typically in the format "Category > Subcategory > Subcategory > Text"). To display just the last part of the title (e.g. "Text"), use "{title}" instead. As an example, the template at buy-here-and-save.com uses {title} in the table at the top to display the page title (e.g.: Harry Potter page).
There are several other new features:
NEW FEATURE:"list" script parameter has been added. If this script parameter is specified, then the results are shown in list format (non-grid) even if the grid configuration parameter is set or if the grid script parameter is specified. You would use this list script parameter in the situation where you have the grid configuration parameter set (since you want most results to default to a grid mode) and you want certain pages to be shown in list format. The list script parameter lets you override the grid configuration parameter and the grid script parameter. E.g.: Harry Potter books (as grid), Harry Potter books (as list) -- note the difference between these two URL's.
NEW FEATURE: The script now also checks for configuration files called "ae-1.ini" and "ae-1.rc". These are loaded (if present), after loading amazon.ini and amazon.rc. This lets you have a secondary configuration file. This is useful in the situation where you have multiple websites and want to have one common .ini file as well as secondary .ini files that contain additional configuration variables specific to each website.
There are several fixes:
FIX: If the grid script parameter is selected (without 'u'-under option and without 'v'-vertical option), valid HTML is now output. Previously, <TR></TR> tags were out of place. There is no visual difference in most web browsers since they are able to correct for the error.
FIX: If a keyword search returns only one item, and both the grid script parameter and "script" script parameter are selected, then a grid with the one product is now show. Previously the grid was empty.
FIX: Keyword searches containing an ' (apostrophe) now show up properly when the grid script parameter and the "script" script parameter are selected simultaneously.
FIX: Some amazon.com browse pages that show 4 products across (e.g.: pages in the Tools & Hardware store) were not displayed properly when using the grid script parameter. They are now displayed properly.
There are several improvements:
IMPROVEMENT: In blended search results, links to amazon.com partners, such as DrugStore.com, are now removed. Sales through those partners are non-commission sales.
IMPROVEMENT: Added check to see if the Compress::Zlib compression library is installed. Cache compression is automatically turned off if this library is not installed.
IMPROVEMENT: If a fatal error occurs, the error is now printed to the web browser instead of to the server's log file.
IMPROVEMENT: If data can't be written to the cache (probably due to the disk quota of the web server account being exceeded), the script deletes the oldest files from the cache and then retries saving the data to the cache. Previously, 0-byte files were created (these are now checked for and removed).
IMPROVEMENT: Now removes "Or buy used: $..." and "Or buy collectible: $..." prices. E.g.: Movers-and-Shakers > Videos.
There are several cosmetic revisions:
COSMETIC: In list mode, some product images show up as a "camera". In grid mode, those "camera" images are now replaced with the actual product image.
COSMETIC: In grid mode, the "Click here for more..." is now preceded by ">>" for emphasis.
COSMETIC: When no results are found, the "Click here" text is now shown using Verdana font. Thus all output consistently uses Verdana font.
COSMETIC: When no results are found and the grid script parameter is selected, the "Click here" text is now in a 1 x 1 grid table. Previously, it was in a <P></P> tag.
Version 1.11.13 (released 2001/11/13)
NEW FEATURE:The grid script parameter has a new option ("u") that causes the product description in the grid to be displayed underneath a larger product image. E.g.: Bestsellers > Books.
FIX: Keyword searches (type=search) are now saved in the cache by keyword and mode. This fix means less data traffic for keyword searches. Previously, keyword searches were saved only by keyword (e.g.: a search for "britney" in books would be saved to the same cache file used by a search for "britney" in music).
FIX: The Perl module Compress::Zlib is now always loaded.
Version 1.11.10 (released 2001/11/10)
NEW FEATURE: A new script parameter called "script" has been added. This parameter permits the output to be embedded in any webpage (e.g.: your home page) simply by using a <SCRIPT> tag. This parameter causes the template script parameter to be ignored and the output is just "{results}". Use something like the following on your webpage: <SCRIPT SRC="http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/amazon.pl?script&..." TYPE="text/JavaScript"></SCRIPT> and put in the amazon.pl script parameters you want to use where it says "...". For better looking results, also try using the grid script parameter. Examples: integrated into a website, and other example below:
NEW FEATURE: A new script parameter called "iframe" has been added. If "iframe" is included, the output is just "{results}". This parameter causes the template script parameter to be ignored. This minimal output makes it easier for you to include the output in an <IFRAME>. The <IFRAME> tag is a standard HTML tag that lets you embed a webpage inside your own webpage. So, to embed results in your webpage, use something like: <IFRAME SRC="http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/amazon.pl?iframe&..." WIDTH=580 HEIGHT=250 SCROLLING=AUTO FRAMEBORDER=0></IFRAME> and put in the amazon.pl script parameters you want to use where it says "..." (such as type=bestsellers&mode=books&grid=c:3,r:2,n) and set the WIDTH and HEIGHT so the IFRAME is large enough to display all of the results without the need to scroll. Example:
NEW FEATURE: The grid script parameter has a new option ("m") that adds a "Click here for more..." link if there are more items than displayed. E.g.: Bestsellers > Books.
FIX: If the grid script parameter is used while the newWindow configuration parameter is set to 1 (i.e.: links open new windows), the grid now shows correct product title links.
FIX: If the cacheCompress configuration variable is 0 (i.e.: don't compress cache contents), then the Perl module Compress::Zlib is not required to be installed on the server. Previously, the server would report an error if the module was not installed.
Version 1.11.03 (released 2001/11/03)
CRITICAL: Keyword searches (type=search) work again. Fix is necessary due to a change by Amazon.com in the formatting of their search results that caused no results to show up via amazon.pl.
FIX: Fixed type=browse for certain browse index pages (e.g.: Browse > Toys > Action Figures). Previously, the script would pause indefinitely and the user would have to press the escape key or click the Stop button. Now, the user is redirected to the specified browse index page at amazon.com's website.
FIX: In "Bestsellers > Music", the "artist-glance" links now include your affiliate ID. Typically, these links appear in product descriptions and link an artist's name to search results at amazon.com. Previously, these links did not include your affiliate ID.
FIX: In DVD and VHS browse pages, the "search-handle-url" links now include your affiliate ID. Typically, these links appear in product descriptions and link an actor's name to search results at amazon.com. Previously, these links did not include your affiliate ID. E.g.: DVD > Action & Adventure, VHS.
NEW FEATURE: "Bestsellers > Baby" (type=bestsellers&mode=baby) is now supported. Examples: List/ Grid.
NEW FEATURE:The grid script parameter has a new option ("n") that numbers each product. E.g.: Bestsellers > Books.
NEW FEATURE: The grid script parameter has a new option ("b") that makes the title of each product bold. E.g.: Bestsellers > Books.
IMPROVEMENT: In the event that amzon.com's data format changes and the script's data analyzer is unable to find any product information, {results} now shows "[Click here]" and is linked to the appropriate page at amazon.com (with your affiliate ID so sales are tracked). Previously, in this situation {results} would be completely empty.
IMPROVEMENT: Now removes "From our Marketplace Sellers: Used: $..." used price from browse pages. E.g.: Game Boy > Action & Adventure.
IMPROVEMENT: When the grid script parameter is used, long product names/descriptions are reformatted so they word-wrap better in the grid. Example.
Version 1.10.30 (released 2001/10/30)
CRITICAL: The amazonID configuration variable in your .ini file can now contain a hyphen character ("-"). Previously, if a hyphen was included then that line in the configuration file was ignored and thus the amazonID configuration variable would not be set.
Version 1.10.29 (released 2001/10/29)
FIX: Substitution variable {mode} now correctly equals "Electronics" when type=movers and mode=electronics. Also, now correctly equals "Software" when type=movers and mode=software.
NEW FEATURE: Added "grid" script parameter. If specified, results are formatted into a grid with an image (if available) and title for each product. See the descriptiion of the mode script parameter for examples of using this new parameter.
NEW FEATURE: User-defined substitution variables used in templates can now be defined in the configuration file. The name of a user-defined substitution variable starts with the letter "x", such as "xtitle". Once defined, it can be used in any template by simply referring to it, such as "{xtitle}", or "
IMPROVEMENT: "zShops" and "Auctions" are now removed from blended searches (type=search&mode=blended).
IMPROVEMENT: Added substituion variable {amazon} (and also
IMPROVEMENT: Substitution variables in templates can now be nested, that is, defined one inside another. For example, in the configuration file you could define a user-defined substitution variable "xtitle=<P>Results of {type} {mode} {keyword} as of {date}:</P>" and then in all your templates use "{xtitle}". Nesting is supported to a depth of 10 levels, and the maximum expansion length is 128K.
IMPROVEMENT: Configuration parameter cacheStaleHours is now limited to 720 hours (i.e.: 30 days) to prevent showing prices that may be out-dated.
COSMETIC: In configuration files, the variable name and value can now be seperated by an optional equal sign (=) to provide clarity and to be consistent with the format of script parameters. Such as "xtitle=My Website". Spaces and/or tabs around the equal sign are optional. Note: If the value you want starts with an equal sign, then you must use two equal signs (==).
COSMETIC: To be consistent with Linux/Unix filenames, the configuration file can be alternatively named amazon.rc ("rc" is a standard mnemonic for "resource file"). The script now looks for configuration files in the following order: amazon.ini,
COSMETIC: If a user-defined substitution variable is used in a template yet the variable has not been defined then the substituted value is "(undefined variable: NAME)" where NAME is the name of the variable, such as "(undefined variable: xtitle)". Previously, the name was not included in the error message.
COSMETIC: Blended search results (mode=search&type=blended) are now inside a <table>. This makes it possible to horizontally center the results as a group using <center>{results}</center>. Previously, each individual line would be horizontally centered if <center>{results}</center> were used.
COSMETIC: Version number removed from "Powered by" line and put into a hidden HTML comment.
Version 1.10.24 (released 2001/10/24)
CRITICAL: Keyword searches (type=search) work again. Fix is necessary due to a change by Amazon.com in the formatting of their search results that caused no results to show up via amazon.pl.
FIX: Cache is now cleared of files that are older than the stale time specified by the cacheStaleHours configuration parameter. Previously, the cache was never cleared.
COSMETIC: The {mode} substitution variable now returns just the value of the mode script parameter when type=feature. Previously, the value was prefixed with the word "Feature". Templates should now use "{type} {mode}", or "Feature {mode}".
COSMETIC: Added version number to "Powered by" line.
Version 1.10.08 (released 2001/10/08)
CRITICAL: Fixed processing of type=browse for those amazon.com browse pages that don't have a description row in each item, such as HTML Editors software. Processing of browse pages that do have a description row in each item continues to work properly, such as Web marketing books.
Version 1.10.05 (released 2001/10/05)
COSMETIC: Revised "Powered by" link text ("Powered by amazon.pl script") and URL (links to scripts index).
Version 1.10.04 (released 2001/10/04)
FIX:ClickBank.com affiliate ID now appears properly in "Powered by" link.
IMPROVEMENT: Keyword searches (type=search) are now saved in the cache.
Version 1.10.01 (released 2001/10/01)
Initial public release.
E.&O.E.; © Cusimano.Com Corporation; www.c3scripts.com